FS: ZB-3 Mil Homing Receiver

Bob Miller bmiller at CALWEB.COM
Sun Sep 20 16:57:15 EDT 1998

For Sale:  Pre WW11 VHF homing receiver/adaptor model ZB-3, Mfg. Zenith
for Western Electric, March 1941.  Navy, 234 Mhz-258 Mhz.  Excellent
condition inside and out with shock mount plate, all acorn tubes in
place. A tiny splotch of green on one of the shock mount snap
fasteners.  Comes with snap on canvas protetive cover which is a bit
soiled but canvas is in good condition as well as fasteners.  I have no
idea what group this rascal was used with, but probably the TRF stuff
GO9 etc.

    $75  plus ups on  5 lbs from zip 95827

    Bob, KE6F

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