WTD: Manual/Schematic for Meck T60-1 Transmitter

Don Buska d.buska at AAIATE.COM
Tue Sep 29 09:49:01 EDT 1998

Well another Radio Expo fest (Grayslake, IL) has past and again it has
not let me down!  I purchased a very nice transmitter made by John Meck
Industries model T60-1.  This is one neat little CW/AM transmitter from
the late 40's.  For those who want to take a peek it appears in Raymond
Moores transmitter book and a view of the real thing and some specs also
appear on my website.  A full page ad also appears in the August 1946 QST
page 143.

Now for the documents request.  Would someone out there happen to have a
manual and/or schematic for this transmitter. I would be happy to pay for
all costs. John Meck Sales was located in Chicago, but the manufacturing
end appeared to have been located in Plymouth, Indiana (per ID tag on

As for the fest, it appears that this year was a buyers market.  Lots of
sellers on Saturday and fewer on Sunday.  However, buyers seemed to be
down on both days (no crowds to fight even inside the buildings).  I was
able to get around 15 or so very good BA (AM and CW) crystals, including
some very nice Bliley VF-1 (variable frequency crystals) that are right
in the BA 80 meter CW frequency range.  It's been awhile since I've found
good HF ham band crystals at a fest.

Enjoyed meeting and talking with all the list members on BA row.  Had a
great time and made many new friends.


Don N9OO

**                                                                **
**  Don Buska N9OO (EN62bo)            Mgr - Parts & Repair Ctr   **
**  4805 64th Ave. Kenosha, WI 53144   Advantest America Inc.     **
**  (414)654-0072                      (847)821-3393              **
**  d.buska at aaiate.com             fax (847)634-2872              **
**                                                                **
**           ----------------  Wants ------------------           **
**   RCA     |  James Millen Equipment                |   CSVHFS  **
**   AWA     |  Transmitters by Thordarson, Stancor,  |   NTMS    **
**   AMI     |  UTC and other transformer companies.  |   ARRL-LM **
**   CCA     |  Receiver: National NC-101XA w/speaker |           **
**   QCWA    |  Magazines: 73 Mag's from 1960/61      |           **
**                                                                **
**                  http://www.qsl.net/n9oo                       **
** Home of the Electric Radio Magazine Index & James Millen Page  **

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