"Tempo One" transmit problem:

Joseph Cro Yardleyite at AOL.COM
Mon Sep 28 19:11:53 EDT 1998

Dear Fellow Boatanchorists,
                                                Name here is Joe (N3IBX) and I'm having a transmit problem with a newly
acquired Tempo One. I don't have a male plug in the accessory socket, but have
a jumper between pins 1 and 2 to get PA heater voltage. When I'm in the
transmit or tune mode the TX relay won't energize. Is it necessary to have the
male plug in in order to transmit? The mode switch is in operate and I can see
the final tubes glow.
The manual has the schematic for the female accessory socket but no
information about the male(if there was one).
Any information to get this radio to transmit will be greatly appreciated.
    Joe Cro N3IBX

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