WTB: Gonset Commander HF Rig

DavidC davidc at BIT-NET.COM
Thu Apr 1 12:23:52 EST 1999

I am looking for a Gonset Commander HF rig.

I'd like it to be unhacked, though it need not be fully
functional.  The good condition of the face plate is

I would like it to have all of the coil sets but will
consider the rig with what you have.  I have found a
source for a matching VFO if you don't have that.
A manual would be wonderful!

Please E-mail with a detailed description and your
*reasonable* asking price shipped to 03087.

Note: This is for use not collection so it doesn't
have to be perfect, just reasonably available to

(I'd be willing make a straight-up trade for my
Kenwood TR-7200G 2m mobile w/original manual.)

Thanks! & 73,
\ ~ / .... DavidC K1YP at qsl.net or 603-894-1174

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