Ebay listing! You have to see this!

Vic Tosca tosca at WARWICK.NET
Fri Apr 2 18:57:37 EST 1999

On Thu, 1 Apr 1999 13:50:34 -0600, while struggling to figure out
how to e-mail, Keith Heitzmann <kk5fe at GS.VERIO.NET> wrote the
following about "Ebay listing!  You have to see this!":

> Hi All,
> You have to check this radio out!  It the funniest thing I have seen yet!
> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=85534394
> Take care and have a happy April Fools day,

I think I'll bid $12,500. It's aparruntly a excelant condishun
receever used in a experimentul submareen with the doors open. A
fine gentulman expert told me that it work great underwater,
that's what its made for. Too bad it doesnt come with a

:) :) :) :)
ßase ELECTRONICA!  ®1976 TE Inc.
mailto:tosca at warwick.net
ICQ upon valid request

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