Wanted--400 Hz Panel Meters

Bradford S Whiting bwhiting at OEMINC.COM
Sat Apr 3 23:48:45 EST 1999

       If you have any of the following for sale or trade, please
contact me by email with your price or trade wants. If you want to sell
outright, I will pay by money order and include the amount you specify
for priority mail. Otherwise send me your want list -- my area of
interest is WW2/Korea era military aircraft radio equipment.

Size -- 2.5 or 3.5 inch
Condition -- used excellent or new

Frequency Meter,  400 Hz, five or more reeds, 120 V

Voltmeter, 0-150 full scale, 400 Hz

Ammeter, 0-5, 0-10 or 0-15 full scale, 400 Hz

Running Time Meter, 400 Hz, 120 V

Regards -- Brad Whiting

Certifiable Aircraft Radio Nut

PO Box 831
Corvallis, OR

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