fwd Amateur boycott

Brian Carling af4k at EARTHLINK.NET
Mon Apr 5 09:35:46 EDT 1999

Hi Rob,

This is why I included the suggestion of complaining to:
postmaster at swatch.com

Do you have a BETTER address for us to complain to??

Thanks - Brian

On  4 Apr 99 at 22:37, Rob wrote:

> On Sun, 4 Apr 1999, Brian Carling wrote:
> > By the way, it appears that Swatch is in fact a German company!
> > Administrative contact:
> > Sautter, Frank  (FS367)
> > E-mail:  fs at MAIL.COGITO.DE
> > +49 7031 714-930
> > (FAX) +49 7031 714-949
> No, that means the administrative contact is a German web hosting
> company. Swatch company doesn't make their own web pages-- they pay an
> outside agency to do it.  That's why I didn't include those names or
> phone numbers into my original letter.  Complaining to the provider
> won't bring about a solution, it'll just serve to hide the problem.
> Rob
> --
> Rob Carlson, KC2AEI | rcarls2 at umbc.edu | http://rob.carlson.org

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