fwd Amateur boycott

Cory Hine hinec at CCGATE.DL.NEC.COM
Mon Apr 5 14:42:05 EDT 1999

     Don't you guys have high power transmitters?  Go have some fun....

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: fwd Amateur boycott
Author:  Dick Blaney <wb8mhe at BRIGHT.NET> at smtplink-dl
Date:    4/5/99 10:19 AM

It may be so that Swatch is contracting out their web pages.  BUT, what
difference does that make?  None whatsoever, as I see it.  Swatch still is
ultimately and wholey responsible for it's content, and for this rediculous
project.  Both Swatch and their webmasters should remember those famous
words by General McCaullife at Bastone, FR.  *NUTS!!!!!*

73 de
Dick, WB8MHE
wb8mhe at bright.net

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Carling <af4k at earthlink.net>
Date: Monday, April 05, 1999 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: fwd Amateur boycott

Hi Rob,

This is why I included the suggestion of complaining to:
postmaster at swatch.com

Do you have a BETTER address for us to complain to??

Thanks - Brian

On  4 Apr 99 at 22:37, Rob wrote:

> On Sun, 4 Apr 1999, Brian Carling wrote:
> > By the way, it appears that Swatch is in fact a German company!
> > Administrative contact:
> > Sautter, Frank  (FS367)
> > E-mail:  fs at MAIL.COGITO.DE
> > +49 7031 714-930
> > (FAX) +49 7031 714-949
> No, that means the administrative contact is a German web hosting
> company. Swatch company doesn't make their own web pages-- they pay an
> outside agency to do it.  That's why I didn't include those names or
> phone numbers into my original letter.  Complaining to the provider
> won't bring about a solution, it'll just serve to hide the problem.
> Rob
> --
> Rob Carlson, KC2AEI | rcarls2 at umbc.edu | http://rob.carlson.org

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