Fwd: james millen

Dave Hollander davidh at GETNET.COM
Sun Apr 11 16:54:18 EDT 1999

---------------- Begin Forwarded Message ----------------
Date:        04/11  19:26
Received:    04/11  20:53
From:        Jack Spiller, jspiller at worldnet.att.net
To:          Dave Hollander, davidh at getnet.com

Dear Sir,
Do you know any James Millen equipment user group:
Thank you , Jack Spiller

----------------- End Forwarded Message -----------------


Dave  N7RK -  Webmaster CADXA
Phoenix, Arizona         *DXCC Honor Roll*    *WAZ#23 - 75 Meter SSB*

                 ex-N7RK/ZB2, VK2ERK, ZM0AJN, WB6NRK, WN6IWX

Boatanchor Collector Extraordinaire preferring Hallicrafters, National
and what ever else looks interesting!

E-Mail: davidh at getnet.com
My Home Page:  http://www.getnet.com/~davidh

Visit the Central Arizona DX Association Home page - http://cadxa.org

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