Bi-Push Transmitter From Dec 1938 Radio

Hue Miller kargokult at PROAXIS.COM
Mon Apr 19 04:19:42 EDT 1999

At 12:08 PM 4/17/99 -0700, Stanley Wilson wrote:
>I ran across reference to a Bi-Push transmitter .....
>Built by Radio-Television Supply Co or Los Angeles, Calif

--do these obscure transmitters show up in that book on
vacuum tube transmitters? in looking thru RADIO i sometimes
see ads for obscure equipment and i wonder if it made into
the collection book. i saw in a 1938 Spokane Raio Company
catalog some smallish transmitters of the 6L6 variety, produced
by SRC, i'm pretty sure these are outside the pale of common
knowledge and didn't make it into the book.
hue ka7lxy

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