FS: Various Manuals

talen talen at INETPORT.COM
Mon Apr 19 18:50:26 EDT 1999

I have the following manuals for sale. All the manuals are original, unless
indicated, and these prices include shipping.

Gonset 'Super-6" Amateur Converter (copy).................$5

HP model 120A Oscilloscope...................................$15

Hallicrafters 5R10A/5R100A receiver..........................$11
Hallicrafters HA-2 Transverter....................................$15
Hallicrafters SX-71 & 71U receiver (may be a copy,
   it's spiral bound, and very nice...............................$15
Hallicrafters 1964 Amateur Equipment Catalog............$5

Heathkit T-3 Visual-Aural Signal Tracer.......................$11
Heathkit QF-1 Q Multiplier........................................ $11
Heathkit IM-5228 VTVM............................................$12
Heathkit GD-348 Deluxe Metal Locator.......................$11
Heathkit CO-1015 SS Iginition Analyzer......................$15
Heathkit GD-47 Radio Control spec and schematic.......$3
Heathkit MW-33 Marine CB spec and schematic..........$3

Knight Kit Electronic Tachometer.................................$5
Knight Kit KG-375 Universal Auto Analyzer (2 manuals)$15
Knight Kit KG-630 5" Oscilloscope..............................$11

RCA WV-38A VOM....................................................$5
RCA WA-44A Audio Signal Generator..........................$5

URM-55 Signal Generator TM......................................$5

73s  Kees  K5BCQ

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