Shack cleaning!

Sam Timberlake KF4TXQ stimber at LAKEMARTIN.NET
Sat Apr 24 15:15:16 EDT 1999

 AMPEREX NOS VHF tubes: 5894A, 7854,   ea $25
 ASTATIC 77A Studio Dynamic Mic (ca.1950)$150
 HEATH: EK-2 Broadcast & 3-11MHz receiver $75
        IM-1210 Digital Multimeter        $75
        VF-1 160-10 VFO                   $50
        QF-1 Q-Multiplier                 $45
 MIDLAND Triumph 10 Leather CB HT pair    $50
 REALISTIC: Pro-9 tunable rcvr/scanner    $75
            TRC-221 40ch CB/HT pair       $75
 B&W CX-96A 3KV xmtr dual variable cap.   $50
 EICO: model 435 scope                    $75
       model 322 signal generator         $50
       model 360 signal generator         $50
Sam Timberlake KF4TXQ  (256) 825-7305
Dadeville, AL 36853-0161

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