The Great Marconi Caper

David Stinson arc5 at IX.NETCOM.COM
Mon Apr 26 14:06:56 EDT 1999

With the help of Phil Mills, Steve Davidek and others
we recovered eight 6-foot-tall Canadian Marconi
ship-to-shore 5000 watt transmitters from a dark and
dirty old barn in central Texas.  These RF units are
part of Marconi transmitter type TH41B.  Tank tuning
caps bigger then a gallon milk jug.  Some 807s drive
four 813s, driving a pair of Westinghouse external-anode
forced-air cooled tubes in P-P.  The finals don't use sockets-
they have straps that are individually clamped to the tube pins.
Pretty cool.
I'm working on the story to put up on my website this summer.

Is there any chance whatever that someone out there has
any information on the Canadian Marconi TH41B maritime transmitters?

73 DE Dave Stinson AB5S
arc5 at

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