Switching padders in for 160 meter ops

Lane Zeitler zeitler at IBM.NET
Tue Aug 3 01:01:09 EDT 1999

Is there a preferred method for switching in padder caps in parallel with
the plate tuning cap to get the total C for 160 meters? I have seen
designers do the switching at the top of the padder where it connects to the
tune cap and I have seen it done on the opposite side of the padder where it
goes to ground leaving the other side always connected to the tune C.

I guess there is no way to avoid having to switch the high voltage since
this is NOT on the 50ohm side (ergo, low E side) of the tank.

When I am NOT using 160 meters I still get arcing regardless of what side of
the padder I am switching (most of the arcing is on the 75 meter band now).
Sort of like the auto-transformer thread that was recently on the amps

I do not want to re-hash all the info that was just posted regarding the
theory of the auto-transformer business. So the question remains--does it
matter which side of the padder I switch in?

Any info would be appreciated.



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