As the world turns...
N5AIT Allan Stephens
Tue Aug 3 10:16:26 EDT 1999
I hold in my hand a flyer from an area electronics store
which includes the following statemnt:
**YES YOU CAN! Get Your Local Channels, Too!**
[list of local channels] Get Free with purchase of Off-Air Antenna
Even though your cable company wants you to think you can't.
*SIGH* The dumbing down of America continues - or I am just
a dinosaur (or both). So much for "common knowledge." I wonder
how many people out there do not know they can receive TV "free"
off the air. Well, I gotta admire the advertiser's playing off
ignorance. Gee! Free TV if I buy one of their antennas!
...and we are in an area where a rabbit-ears antenna at the
set does a pretty decent on all five UHF channels... Even on old
tube-type TV's (to put it in the range of "boatanchors")
73, Al N5AIT
...and get ready for the next "CX" - Classic Radio Exchange contest,
the last Sunday of September (nine hour operating event). Details
will be posted here and in selected radio publications. Mainly,
points come from combined AGE of rigs put on the air (age is a
multiplier), so get the dust blown off and warm 'em up to see
what's gonna blow - so you can fix 'em in time for that last Sunday
in September!
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