As the world turns...

Keith Heitzmann kk5fe at GS.VERIO.NET
Tue Aug 3 16:17:14 EDT 1999

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave <zommbee at>

>>         My favourite one from years ago was when Channelmaster was
>> selling VHF/UHF TV antennas that were specially designed for receiving
>> colour TV signals.
>I have an ad from some tabloid that shows a tiny dish-shaped antenna
>form of rabbit ears) to sit on top of your TV with the following wording
>"Yes - it actually pulls RF radio frequency energy waves right out of the
>air and
>feeds them to your television using technology developed for the space age"
>And only $19.95 plus 6.95 shipping and handling!!

Tinfoil extra..........

Keith,   KK5FE

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