Melissa virus

Richard E. Robinson rerobins at EMAIL.UNCC.EDU
Thu Aug 5 13:47:19 EDT 1999

While not exactly BA related it is BA list related.

Don't let your guard down, the Melissa virus is still around and spreading.
I'd hate to see anyone on the list get infected.

In the last 2 days several of our faculty members in the Psychology Dept.
have received email from colleagues on other campuses with the Melissa
virus attached.  It spread to 2 machines in our department and I spent most
of yesterday cleaning them up.  The 2 infected emails were from the Univ.
of Pittsburgh and the Univ. of Arkansas.  Both universities have been

Just make sure you don't open the HAPPY99.EXE attachment if you do find it
as an attachment on email. Some virus checkers will find Melissa even in
email, but cleaning it off of an infected machine must be done manually.
Also be sure to check the "Recycle Bin" of an infected machine.  Melissa
stores 2 infected files there and you need to empty the "Recycle Bin" to
get rid of them.


Rick Robinson kf4ar

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