Dee Almquist soundnmind at RICA.NET
Fri Aug 6 10:15:32 EDT 1999

Hello BA Amigos
I have a Wavetek 3000 synthized (thumb switch freq select) RFgenerator that
covers 1mc thru 520mc. Just finished putting this little generator in good
working condition & everything works. Its strong points are: AM, onbd
1000kc/ 400kc audio modulation, has very fine output attenuator, digital
select the freq. not analog, also will do narrow & wide FM + vernier freq on
slide pot availble if needed (something
like an RIT control). Overall looks is approx a "7" after cleanup & polish &
hrs of electronic work. I find this unit really shines doing AM lo freq ham
bands (& everything in
between) but works well thru 520mc. I also found freq will go down to 400kc
& stay in "PLL lock" so good for IF alignment. Gen uses a 40mc freq std
referance. This a nice compact stable generator that is head & shoulders
above most generators found at the hamfests. Includes a copy of service
book. $350. OBO + shipping.
Dee, W4PNT
Patty & Dee's Marina, collectors of electronic boatanchors. 534 W Main St.,
Waynesboro, Va. 22980 (540)249-3161 fax (540)249-5064, cell #; (540)471-7023

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