Jackson model 637 tube tester

Lane Zeitler zeitler at IBM.NET
Sat Aug 7 21:06:17 EDT 1999

I need some poop on the model 637 tube tester by Jackson. I am looking for a
"keeper" tube tester for the bench. I picked this one up and was wondering
if it is basically on par with the TV-7D? I am very familiar with the TV-7D
but not with this unit made by Jackson.

I sold the last tube tester I had like an idiot and would like to keep this
one unless it is considered low grade and not very reliable.

How does it compare to the high end Hickok models?

Sorry for the silly questions but this is a new toy.

San Diego

BTW the owner must of asked for a replacement manual in the past because the
manual was inside an envelope that had been mailed. Kind of neat to see a 6
cent stamp on a small package that now would cost around $3.00 to send!! The
automated postage stamp thing says: Dayton, Ohio Aug 18 '60. US Postage .06.

Kind of neat.


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