Watkins Johnson WJ-8718-23 S/N 1 (ONE)$475.00

Leo KJ6HI radioleo at EARTHLINK.NET
Wed Aug 11 11:03:56 EDT 1999

I have a Watkins Johnson WJ-8718-23 receiver in cosmetically good to very
good condition serial number 1 (ONE). Comes with a copy of the instruction
manual.  It lights up but needs some service, a friend of mine said the
situation is
on the digital board, a little burn mark also  some resistors may need to
be replaced on another board connecting to the digital board. He said its
defintely fixable. The case, and front panel look good, a few push buttons
may need replacement. The price is $475.00 plus shipping, because it need
 I have a very very heavy duty shipping box for it now.

Ph/fax (310) 670-6969

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