FS: TO 31R2-4-183-WC-6

W2OKF szachara at GULFTEL.COM
Fri Aug 13 11:04:37 EDT 1999

I have acquired a nice original copy of the referenced Tech Order
(Preventative Maintenance Workcards for the KWM2-A, 30L-1 and 30S-1).
There are 55 double-sided, heavy cards in four different colors, with
binding holes punched in the left margin.  They are held together with 2"
loose leaf rings.  Every operating military comm site and MARS station that
used this equipment had one or more of these card decks in the station.

I am thinking about duplicating the maintenance card deck using heavy index
stock in colors that approximate the original.  Photos would be reproduced
in hi-res grayscale.  Would anyone have any interest in having a copy of
this military T.O.?  I would estimate the price to be near $20.00  to
$25.00 per card deck, including the 2" binding rings and Priority Mail
CONUS shipping.

If there is enough interest, I will post a notice and also notify those
that respond with the particulars.  If no interest...thanks for the read.


Walt, W2OKF

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