BA's F/S
Bob Peters
soundimp at POBOX.COM
Sat Aug 14 23:10:44 EDT 1999
Fairly long list...This is all from an Old Timer that has retired from
Ham Radio... I have never seen such
good wiring on the Heath gear....
Heath Twoer Pristine..... $60.00
Heath Sixer W a Parts sixer.... Pristine.... $75.00
Turner Mike model 907... New in the Box....$50.00
Calrad Mike C200... New in the Box..... $35.00
RCA Jr Volt/ohmist w/probe $20.00
Simpson model 443... Cracked glass $20.00
Halicrafters S41G... Working Condition.... $75.00 a 7 on the 10 scale
Unknown Gear!!!! Make me an offer
Military TBY7/ CRI43044 10 and 6 meters no Bat Compatment
Porta Power for 1 1/2 volt and B Bat radios
All Gear plus shipping from 75149... Thanks...
Bob K1JNN/5
Bob Peters K1JNN/5
CCA# 96-00063
Another member of The Dallas Posse
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