WTB: The usual hard to find stuff

Grant Youngman nq5t at GTE.NET
Tue Aug 17 12:45:32 EDT 1999

Gents ...

This is a periodic post looking for items I want, but which seem to be
 composed largely of the element Un (Unobtainium).

1.      Hammarlund SPC-10 SSB Adapter -- working or not, dirty or not,
but at least physically complete, unbutchered, and abandoned by
whatever mice may have once called it home.  In case you don't
know,  this is the rack-mount incarnation of the HC-10.

2.      Matching speaker for a TMC GPR-90 -- in really really nice

If you have either of these, but don't wish to part with them now --
please consider putting me in your Will  :-)

Thanks ... Grant

Grant Youngman -- NQ5T
nq5t at gte.net
Double Oak, TX (near Dallas)

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