FS: TV-7(*) Manual copies

Michael Crestohl mc at SOVER.NET
Sat Aug 21 22:46:37 EDT 1999

I will be making a copy of my 1960 original TM11-6625-274-12 for a
friend.  This is the Operators and Organizational Maintenance manual for
the TV-7(*) series tube testers.  It will be a high quality copy including
the schematic and switch chart which is not found in the Operators
manual.  It is from the Depot Maintenance manual but I thought it would be
good to include it.

I am willing to make more copies while I am at the copy center as I am
there anyways with the manual so if you need a copy please e-mail me.  Cost
will be $12.00 mailed in the USA.  I will mail overseas but the postage
costs will be higher depending on where it will be mailed to.


Michael Crestohl
mc at sover.net

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