Books for sale

Ronald Oxley rtoxl at ANDREWS.EDU
Tue Aug 24 17:12:50 EDT 1999

Here are a few more books from Heathkit/Zenith Educational Systems

ECC-2001        Hardware Fundamentals (Student Manual)
copyright 1984 by Heath Company, 1986,1989 by Control Data Corporation
contains 6 modules - Introduction to Computer Systems, The CPU, Power
Supplies, Support Circuitry, Memory, I/O interfacing - $5.00

EB-6104-41      Electronic Circuits (Student Workbook) - $5.00

EB-601          Operational Amplifiers - $5.00

EB-6103         Semiconductor Devices - $5.00

EB-6103A        Semiconductor Devices - $7.00

EB-6101-A       DC Electronics (Text Book) - $3.00

EBC-601         Operational Amplifiers (Student Manual) - $7.00

EHC-701         Linear Circuits (Student Manual) - $5.00

EB-6106-40      Electronic Communications (Student Workbook) - $5.00

EB-2002         Computer Servicing Peripherals (Textbook) - $8.00

EB-6004-40      Digital Circuit Design (Student Workbook) - $6.00

EB-6401A        Microprocessors (including programming experiments)
two book set - $10.00

EB-6810         8 Bit Microprocessor programming (Student Textbook)
EB-6810-40      8 Bit Microprocessor programming (Student Workbook)
This is a 2 book set sold as a set only - $10.00

EB-620          16 Bit Microprocessors Theory and Programming
(Student Textbook) - $8.00

                Microcomputer Troubleshooting - $10.00

EB-615          Linear ICs (Student Textbook) - $6.00

All books are new - unmarked - excellent condition.
All prices are plus shipping.

Ron, WM8Z

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