FS: HQ-180AX, HX-50A, HXL-1 "Triplets"

Al Parker anchor at COASTALNET.COM
Tue Aug 24 21:47:36 EDT 1999

Hammarlund "Triplets", HQ-180AX, HX-50A, HXL-1 -A total station as a package.
        Overall cosmetics--front panels close to new looking.  I have repainted
all 3 cabinets, as they had some chips/scrapes, no dings.  The bezel around
the panels have some paint scrapes.  Chassis had no corrosion, I've cleaned
them all.
        The HQ-180AX rcvr - has the fixed freq. xtal option, 6 sockets on the
front panel, 5 inside.  De-oxit was about all it has needed, in the tube
sockets, and switches.  Alignment went well.  It's a nice "band cruiser",
with ham band bandspread.
        The HX-50A xmtr - has had all elecrolytics replaced by me.  The cans are
still showing, 2 are replacements, one is not in use, the replacements for
it & part of the others are under the chassis.  There's a bnc jack on the
back, and I must admit I don't remember what it's for-maybe a VFO tap for a
display.  60w out on 160, and 80-95 true out on the other bands, into a 50
ohm dummy load.  I have done only minimal "tweaking" in it, always get
"raves" over the good sound from it.
        The HXL-1 amp - has one replacement 572B, and one that was in it. The
HX-50A drove it to a true 600w output on 20m, with 1015w inp, and did
similarly on the other bands.  I did put 100-110w in, and saw close to 1kw
        They do come with original manuals and all connecting cables.  All
relaying is internal.  All you need is mic, antenna & spkr.
        Now - I'm sure you've jumped here already - the price is $900.  I really
don't relish the idea of shipping these, unless professionally packed, with
supervision.  Any packing/shipping costs are not included.
        I will be at the Shelby hamfest Fri. & Sat. of Labor Day wkend, and can
bring them.  I will be travelling to MA the week after, and could meet some
one along the way.
        If you have any other questions, or want more details, email me direct.
        I've been using these regularly, and would be glad to demonstrate them
over the air.

Al, W8UT
New Bern, NC
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anchor at coastalnet.com

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