Drake AC-3 power supply

Dennis Brady dbrady at US.IBM.COM
Wed Aug 25 12:42:29 EDT 1999

My thanks to all those who responded with RA-34 information.
I'll tell the guy who has the RA-34 to hang onto it for me. If anyone
wants it, let me know and I'll pass it along to you for what I have to
pay to get it. ( Looks like $30 right now) Of course, you'll have to
pick it up in Dallas, TX 'cuz I don't think it would ship very well. If
no one wants it, I might be able to use it without any modifications.

My next query is about a Drake AC-3. While looking for power supply
parts in my storage building ( I need to 'beef up' my TCS power
supply for more output so it'll drive the recently completed 250TH
home-brew amp.) I found the AC-3. It had it's cables chopped off
so suspecting a problem, I checked it's diodes and found a bad one.

Replacing the diode and testing it gave only 375 VDC but I suspect
that is low. What is an AC-3 used for and what voltages should it
provide? Is this another desirable item that I should pass along
to someone with a Drake rig that needs it, as opposed to using it's
parts for my TCS power needs??

TNX & 73 de W5FRS
dbrady at us.ibm.com

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