F/S EV636 witha EV418 stand

Bob Peters soundimp at POBOX.COM
Sun Aug 29 15:00:49 EDT 1999

I  have the  above for sale...  The  stand is  the same stand that the  664
 goes  on except that  the  original
664  with the  BLACK LOGO  will  not  fit  it....  The  RED LOGO  664  will
 fit  it  as  many  other  EV  mikes do...
This  stand  is  even  rarer  then  the  last  2  presented  here  as  it
has  the  factory  PTT  switch  built in  with  the  original  EV Stud
cable  and  4  pin conector...  There  is a  little  pitting  on  the  mike
 and  as  most  of  these  can stand a  repaint  on  the stand...  The
last  stand  went  for  $285  with  no  PTT  do  not  want  to  eBay
these...  Will  take  offers  over  $200  includig shipping  for  24  hours

Best  73's    Bob K1JNN/5

Bob Peters  K1JNN/5
CCA# 96-00063 
Another member of The Dallas Posse 

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