For Sale or Trade
aleisen at JUNO.COM
Mon Aug 30 23:41:46 EDT 1999
I have the following Equipment For Sale or Trade, make me an offer, need
to make room in my shop,shack,train room, I will trade for American Flyer
Trains. I live on Cape Cod. Buyer pays shipping or
postage.. Thanks Al N1PIC
WW II / I 151 A Oscillator ( Audio Signal Generator) 20-20khz in 3 bands
( Civilian MOD 101 )by Espy Mfg Co NY NY 25lbs Is painted OD, Sig Corp
Stamp, has some dings & flaking paint,1/2 hinge missing. Included is the
manual TM 11-2524 17 OCT 1944
TCS 9 Control Box good shape but missing back.
1 Cable not sure which one it is, T,R it has 2 large pins if that helps
12/24 volt DC Power Supply looks complete but I have not run it.
The power supply has a Winco Dynamotor made by the Wincharger Corp a Div
of the Zenith Radio Corp Sioux City Iowa USA. Model No. 221, Type 50S5,SS
155 Input 12VDC @ 15A or 24VDC @ 10A Output 225VDC @ .1 A & 400VDC @ .2
A 4000 RPM cont. $125 for the 3 TCS items
Small reel of WWII field wire unused MX-306A 2600 ft on 10 reel
W.E TS9AL Handset For Military Field Phone w/ butterfly sw F1type
EE8 Field Phone $20
W.E TS9AL Handset For Military Field Phone missing butterfly sw
F1type for EE8 Field
Phone $15
W.E F3 Type Handset For Military w/ pushbutton $15
W.E F1 Type Handset For Military missing
pushbutton $10
Teleprinter 1000 RO manual & ref card & misc docs $15
574-550-100 Teleprinter 1000 RO/KSR Description
574-550-200 Teleprinter 1000 RO/KSR Instalation
574-550-300 Teleprinter 1000 RO/KSR Maintenence All 3 $20
Western Electric/Hickok KS15750 L1 tube tester manual + BSPs
Excellent Photo Copy's all
for $20
Hallicrafters S85 OP/Serv Man Photo copy $6
Gonset GR212 reciever Manual Photo Copy $5
Heathkit IT18 Transistor Tester Photo copy $5
GE solid state thyratrons 4JS1 (3) & 4JS5 (2) make offer
ARRL The Radio Operators Manual 1966 $5
Cowan Publ The New Mobile Handbook By William J Orr W6SAI
1956 $15
Weston #506 2 1/2 panel
meter 0-1KVDC 1m ext res.
Weston #506 2 1/2 panel meter 0-2. 5KVDC
50K ext res.
Weston #506 2 1/2 panel meter 0-2. 5KVDC
50k ext res.
Meters $15 ea
90902/90942 Cathode Ray Oscope Service
Manual 1969 COPY $6
90932 Modulation Mon Oscope Service Manual
1960 COPY $6
90651 Grid Dip Meter Service
Manual 1965 COPY $10
WO-79B Oscilloscope OP & Instruction Serv Man
Copy $6
WV-97A Senior Voltohmyst OP & Instruction Serv
Man Copy $6
WV-98C Senior Voltohmyst OP & Instruction Serv Man 1972
Copy $6
232/249 VTVM Instruction
Manual copy $6
232/249 VTVM Factory Troubleshooting Man
Copy $6
232/249 VTVM Construction
Manual Copy $6
221 VTVM Instruction Manual 1952 copy
UNIPROBE OP & Assy Instructions $2
Eico Manuals 1970's & 1980's
CG10/12 Loboy Color Gen Service
Manual $12
CR143 CRT Tester Service
Manual Copy $4
FE14/16 Field Effect Meter Service
Manual $12
FE14/16 Field Effect Meter Service
Manual $12
PS148 5 Wide Band Oscilloscope& Vector Scope Service Manual $12
TR139 Transistor Tester Service Manual Copy
Back Issue of NUTS & VOLTS Magazine Dec 1991 thru Jun 1998 $75
Large List of NOS Tubes appox 750 for TV,Radio & Communications email me
for a list. At aleisen at
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