FS: CQ Magazine FY volumes 1949-67

Bill Cotter bcotter at POP.UKY.EDU
Tue Aug 31 14:08:15 EDT 1999


I still have some remaining full-years of CQ left for sale. Want
several years, let talk a good price! USPS 4th Class Bookrate can
get volumes to your door for under $4 CONUS.

67      GOOD                    $4
66      GOOD                    $4
65      GOOD                    $4
65      VERY GOOD               $5
64      GOOD                    $4
59      GOOD                    $6
58      GOOD                    $6
57      GOOD                    $6
57      VERY GOOD               $7
56      GOOD                    $7
54      GOOD                    $7
53      GOOD                    $7
51      GOOD                    $8
49      GOOD                    $12

73 es tnx Bill N4ALG


Bill Cotter                            Mail:   bcotter at pop.uky.edu
Technical Systems Project Manager      ICQ:    13117266
VPIS Special Projects Office           Pager:  (606) 259-6082
McVey Hall, Room-100                   Phone:  (606) 323-6474
University of Kentucky                 FAX:    (606) 323-1978
Lexington, KY 40506-0045               Home:   (606) 887-5563,2402

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