Wanted: Manual for AN/FRT-5 FSK Transmitting System

J. Douglas Hensley nfmk at JUNO.COM
Tue Dec 21 22:38:37 EST 1999

Looking for an original AN/FRT-5 full system manual.

Or individual manuals for either the KY45/FRT5 FSK Keyer
or the O91/FRT5 RF Oscillator.   REWARD if found !!

Have some equipment to offer in trade.  Somebody out
there just has to have one.  Is anyone using the FRT5
or am I the only raving lunatic building up one?

I am also looking for system pictures and possible ac-
quisition of main RF unit.  See description below furnished
by Mike Warren some time back.


Radio Transmitting Set, HF, 4-26 MHz. Power output: 15 KW. Capable of
telegraphic on/off or FSK at speeds in excess of 400 WPM. Can be
tuned or crystal controlled throughout it's range. 93 1/2 in w x 79 1/2
in h
x 37 1/2 in deep. Unit is designed for deck mounting. 230 vac, 30-60 Hz 1


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