Tube & Tube Tester Recommendations?
Michael McCarthy, W1NR
w1nr at EECORP.COM
Mon Dec 27 17:41:17 EST 1999
DavidC wrote:
> I need your good counsel on tube substitutions and a decent
> inexpensive and reliable tube tester.
inexpensive is relative...I would get my hands on a Hickok.
>>>> There are none better IMHO! <<<<<
I have an 800A that I would not trade for anything (except
another Hickok). Good models are the military TV-7's,
the 539, 600, 750's and 800's. 6000's and Cardmatics are a
pain in the 'butt. Try this link...
73 de Mike, W1NR
**************** Give Every Man His Dew **************
Michael A. McCarthy, President
Everest Engineering Corporation, Consultants
4 Barnes Circle, Marlborough, MA 01752
(508) 460-6737, FAX (508) 460-7951
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