FS: New, Unused Army Signal Corps HS-33 Headset

Jan Robbins swanman at CFU.NET
Fri Dec 31 13:49:02 EST 1999

Here, from a special collection, is a new, unsed U.S. Army Signal Corps
HS-33 headset  The HS-33 was the standard high-quality Signal Corps
headset during and just after WW II. It is the one with  two wide, flat
leather-covered  headstraps,  large (3" dia.) ear cups with thick
cushions, and heavy-duty 18" two-conductor cable with standard red phone
plug.  It is designed for very rugged long-term use, typically with
Collins, Hammarlund, and Hallicrafters receivers, and was used even into
the 1950's with receivers such as the R-390 and SP-600.  It is among the
strongest yet most comfortable  headsets made before the 1960's.

This headset was manufactured by Shure Bros. in Chicago in the early
1940's and carries the serial #3C3187A.  It is not only new and unused,
Collins quality scale it is easily EXCELLENT++ cosmetically and
eletcronically (I tested just to be sure).  Leather is still clean and
neat, ear cushions are soft and pliable.  Only sign of age is the usual
dust from sitting in a military warehouse.

This headset is real WW II memorabilia, and true colector quality.  I've
seen nothing like it since the early 1950's.  Will sell for $95 +
shipping (firm, no trades).  Tks, 73, and Vy Happy New Year

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