BA Stuff for Sale

Bob Stolzle ac5am1 at JUNO.COM
Mon Feb 1 12:46:36 EST 1999

Have sold some of my BA stuff but still need to sell more.

ELECTRO-VOICE 674 MICROPHONE  on heavy desk stand with a
3 position PTT switch. Just back from Telex (formerly EV) for a
complete overhaul. Has mic cable  with 4 conductor mic connector
which fits TenTec Corsair II. Very good condition and works fine.
Price reduced to $125 plus shipping... See Jan 1968 QST page 1
for picture and description.

JOHNSON VIKING  Phone Patch with partial manual...Price
reduced to $25 plus a little for shipping..

HEATHKIT QF-1 Q-Multiplier.. looks almost like new inside and out.
Have not checked it and do not have a manual... $30 plus shipping.

MFJ 752  CW/SSB Signal Enhancer... very clean inside and out.
Have not checked it out.....$ 30 plus shipping...

73, Bob  AC5AM    (ex. K5QYY vintage 1958)

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