Converting L4-B to run an 8877

Lane Zeitler zeitler at IBM.NET
Sun Feb 7 09:17:17 EST 1999

I have (finally) come accross some 8877 tubes from a semi-local source. With
the demise of Eimac as a 3-500Z manufacturer I was considering converting my
Drake L4-B to run a single 8877. I have a copy (somewhere) of the now
legendary Peter Warren article from the 1984 or 85 issue of CQ magazine (the
good years, before McCoy starting advertising, er, I mean writing the
equipment reviews) and found it very interesting.

Any thoughts or concerns regarding the tube swap, good, bad, or indifferent?

Any word from Svetlana in regards to when they will be releasing the 3-600?

Lane Zeitler

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