Dallas Amateur Radio Club Auction

Bob Peters soundimp at POBOX.COM
Wed Feb 10 23:20:42 EST 1999

Well  guys  just  came  home  from  the  last  meeting  before  the  auction,,,
Saw a  lot  of  the  donated  stuff!!!!  National  300...183  and
more....ARC5 's
Johnson Viking  II  ...  Heath  VFO...   Hali  gear...  Boxes  of  tubes...
You  name  it  for  BA  stuff  and  this  is  only  the  donated  stuff...
Sat  2/20/99
at  the Calvary Church  on Kearney  at  Lee Rd   Mesquite...  Talk  in
7AM  Check  in  and  viewing...  9  AM  Auction...  Ya  all come...  All
proceeds  to  the  DARC
a  not  for  profit  501K  Corp....

Best  73's    Bob  K1JNN/5

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