Restoring Boatanchor Front Panels

Al Dolgosh al.dolgosh at HAMRADIO.ORG
Mon Feb 15 16:19:00 EST 1999

I just received my two completely restored front panels for my
Hallicrafters T-54 television sets from Lynn Brock - N0ALO.  They are
fantastic!  (The T-54 is a 7-inch set in a Hallicrafter HT-32 type

The process was simple.  I sent one old panel to Lynn.  He photographed
it to capture the lettering and position of the markings and the "the
hallicrafters co." logo .  He returned it to me for stripping and
refinishing with the correct panel color.  I then returned two of them
to him and he applied new lettering by a silk screen process.

The final result is a panel that looks as if it just come from the
factory!  If you need some front panel restoration done, I suggest you
contact Lynn.  If he already has the artwork (photographed from an
earlier job), the process is considerably shortened.  The price is
extremely reasonable!  I believe he also has other refinishing services
available to keep you from even getting paint on your own hands.

I have no financial interest in Lynn's project - I just hurry to
recognize a job well done!  You can contact Lynn with your questions at:

n0alo at


Al - K8EUR

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