Dallas DARC Auction

Bob Peters soundimp at POBOX.COM
Mon Feb 22 23:36:09 EST 1999

To  those  of  you  that  missed  the  DARC Dallas  Auction  you  missed a
great  time  and  CHEAP PRICES...  Like  a  Viking II  for  $10  an  NC173
and NC300  for  $35  A  complete
set  of  BC610  tubes  NEW  In  the  Box  $160.... an  BC342  Brand  new
$50.... a  Supe Pro
200  for  $135...  an  Eico 720 xmitter  $35  a  Twoer  for  $60  like
Brand New...

Put  it  on  your  calender  for  next  Feb...  It  is  the  Texas  Auction
 of  the  year...  Bigger  and
better  every  year...  The  Members  of  DARC  thank  all  of  you  that
came  from  Austin...
Houston...  etc  hope  the  trip  was  worth  it...  Thanks

Bob  K1JNN/5

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