David Stinson arc5 at IX.NETCOM.COM
Sun Feb 28 21:41:45 EST 1999

Located in Austin, Texas.

This SX-28 is a good project radio.  Has nice front panel and
does have original cabinet.  Meters are there but I'm not
plugging this radio in until someone recaps it.
The radio needs some work and some knobs.  The cover for the
tuning caps is present.  One IF can has a corner dent
but otherwise looks OK.
This will be an excellent summer project radio for someone
and is priced to go at $50 if you pick it up.
I will drive up to thirty miles from Austin to meet you.

If you want me to ship it, it's $60 plus actual shipping costs,
which will include about $8 worth of boxing and packing material
plus shipping charges.

Thanks and 73 DE Dave Stinson AB5S
arc5 at ix.netcom.com

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