RD Instruments Model 1575 Tube Tester??

Larry Wolken rhys at IX.NETCOM.COM
Sun Jan 3 17:23:23 EST 1999

Around 1960 Hickok introduced the high end RD Instruments line ("For
Research and Development").  I suspect it was a bit of a marketing ploy to
take advantage of the post Sputnik hysteria.  Some of the items in this
line were nearly identical to the regular line -  hence the 539B and the
1575 - and some were unique to the RD line.  I used to own a model 1600
VTVM which was quite pricey in 1960 at $245.  It used lab quality
components throughout.

The 1575 as near as I can tell is quite similar to the 539B although there
are several noticable differences.  The catalog blurb mentions a voltage
regulator test not mentioned in the 539B copy.  And their prices are nearly
the same also -- $415 vs $445 for the RD model.

At any rate you've got a winner. Don't forget Bill Waters <wate at erols.com>
in Frederick Md. is one of the leading repair and recalibration people in
the country for Hickok tube testers.  He's fond of saying if the meters are
working, he can bring it back to life.

Enjoy it.  While it's not plug and play by today's standards and may take a
few minutes to set up for each tube, it's a wonderful piece of equipment.

Larry Wolken N3OJD


At 01:19 PM 1/3/99 -0600, Tom Norris wrote:
>I posted this earlier this week, but no replies.
>After looking around, turns out the RD Instruments 1575
>is the same as a Hickock 539. At least physically the front
>panel looks very similar to the 539 or the 700. Had not even
>heard of RD Instruments until I saw this tester. Even says
>Hickock on the lable, under RD instruments. Maybe a 539
>that will do a little more? It is in a metal case rather than the
>black covered wood case a 539 or 700 has.
>Is this unit another "Tom has the only one in existance and no one
>else has ever heard of them" thing like that Mars Electronics
>SSB RX convertor? heehee.
>>( my preivious post )
>>Nifty tester, almost as large as a TV-2, with a seperate line voltage meter
>>and an adjustable bias meter that doubles as a current meter for testing
>>VR tubes. Roll chart on bottom. Half the weight of a TV-2!!!
>Thanks all
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