Collins Crystals Wanted/Trade

Al Dolgosh al.dolgosh at HAMRADIO.ORG
Wed Jan 6 11:41:43 EST 1999

I am looking for the following crystals for Collins S-Line equipment:

10155.00    for 7.0-7.2 MHz
11077.50    for 19.0-19.2 MHz
11155.00    for 8.0-8.2 MHz

I also need a Collins crystal extractor.

Let me know what you have and the price, or I have the following to
trade, one for one:

 7877.50    for 4.7-4.9 MHz
 8977.50    for 14.8-15.0 MHz
 9955.00    for 6.8-7.0 MHz
10355.00    for 17.5-17.7 MHz
11955.00    for 20.7-20.9 MHz
14155.00    for 25.1-25.3 MHz
15277.50    for 27.4-27.6 MHz
15477.50    for 27.8-28.0 MHz
15677.50    for 28.2-28.4 MHz

Thanks for taking the time to check this list.

Al - K8EUR

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