IMPORTANT - "CX" - THE event!

Sun Jan 10 16:21:35 EST 1999


     So it is getting close!  This should give you the time to
clean off the connections, put the antenna that just came down
with the weather back up, carefully put power to what we all value
and give them the "acid test" to be SURE they are ready for the
next CX, the Classic Radio Exchange.  Official notice follows - and
please feel free to print it out and pass it around your radio
clubs.  This contest goes back to 1975 and is bi-annual (twice

     Now I gotta go turn on the heat in the basement and fire up
the ol' Harvey-Wells.

     And the report on the last "CX" (September 1998) will be in
the mail to those who sent in their reports - SHORTLY.

     73,  Al  N5AIT


        1999 Winter Classic (& Homebrew) Radio Exchange

The Classic Radio Exchange ("CX") is a contest celebrating the older
commercial and homebrew equipment that was the pride of our ham shacks
and our bands just a few short decades ago.  Our object is to encourage
restoration, operation and enjoyment of this older equip ment.  A
"Classic" radio is at least ten years old (age figured from first year
manufacture), but NOT required to participate in the Classic Exchange.
  YOU MAY USE ANYTHING in the contest, although new gear is a distinct
scoring liability.  You can still work the "great ones" with your new

The Classic Exchange will run from 1900 UTC February 7, to 0400 UTC
February 8, 1999.  Exchange your name, RST, QTH(state/province for
US/Canada; country for DX), receiver and transmitter type (homebrew send

final amp tube or transistor), and other interesting conversation.  The
same station may be worked with different equipment combinations on each

band and on each mode.
  CW call "CQ CX;" phone call "CQ Classic Exchange."  Non-participants
may be worked for credit.

Suggested frequencies:
  CW:   3.545,  7.045,  14.045,  21.135,  28.180
  Novice/Tech Plus:   3.695,  7.120,  21.135, 28.180
  Phone:  3.880,  7.290,  14.280,  21.380,  28.320
   7.045 and 3.545 will probably  be the most popular CX frequencies.

Scoring:  Multiply total QSO's (all bands) by total number of different
receivers plus transmitters (transceivers count as both xmtr and rcvr)
plus states/provinces/countries worked on each band and mode.
  Multiply that total by your CX Multiplier, the total years old of all
receivers and transmitters used, three QSO's minimum per unit.  For
transceiver, multiply age by two.  If equipment is homebrew, count it as

a minimum of 25 years old unless actual construction date or date of its

construction article (in the case of a "reproduction") is older:

                    Total QSO's all bands
         RCVRs + XMTRs + states/provinces/countries
    (total each band and mode separately; add totals together)
                       CX Multiplier:

        SCORE  =  QSO's  x  ( Rx + Tx + QTH's)  x  CX Mult

Certificates and appropriate memorabilia are awarded every now and then
for the highest score, the longest DX, exotic equipment, best excuses
and other unusual achievements.  Send logs, comments, anecdotes,
pictures to  Allan Stephens, 106 Bobolink Dr., Richmond, KY 40475.
  Include TWO-stamp SASE for next CX Newsletter and announcement of next

CX.  E-mail reports may be sent to modsteph at  (Al, N5AIT).

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