Military Manuals for FRC-93 (Collins KWM-2/30L-1) online....
Michael Crestohl
Fri Jan 15 07:02:01 EST 1999
Hi Gang:
Have been lurking in the background for a few months so posts from me have
been few and far between........
We just moved into a new townhouse in Burlington's (VT) New North End and
there are no antenna restrictions so I expect to be back on the air very soon.
I would like to pass on some interesting information to all Collins
KWM-2/2A and 30L-1 owners or those interested in this equipment.
Thanks to Tom Norris KA4RKT the military manuals for this station, known in
military nomenclature as the FRC-93 is available in Adobe Acrobat .PDF
format at the following Web site:
Just click on this or plug it into your Web browser and download away. Be
advised that it might take several hours - some of those .PDF files are
BIG!, especially those with photographs. You will also find several other
interesting manuals on the site such as those for the R-390, R-390A and
R-392 as well as the 30L-1. Since these are military manuals and not
copyrighted it is perfectly legal and acceptable for Tom or anybody else to
freely distribute these.
If you don't have the excellent Adobe Acrobat reader it is also available
on the same site - just go to the higher level directory (I believe two up)
and look for a directory called ACROREAD. You will find the reader program
there. It is free of charge!
73 and a belated Happy New Year to all!
Michael Crestohl, W1RC
mc at
PS: You might want to drop a note to Tom mailto:badger at and
thank him for his efforts.
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