RCA-Connectorized Cables for Collins S-Line

Al Dolgosh al.dolgosh at HAMRADIO.ORG
Mon Jan 25 16:07:36 EST 1999

The response to my offering of these labeled cable sets has been
gratifying, as well as the "thank you" comments I have received as
feedback from those who already got them.  I have shipped dozens of sets
and have exhausted my second cable order.  I have told my source that I
now want the total balance of all the cables they have left - so I can
continue the process a while longer.

I have shipped all orders received as of Saturday, January 23, and will
probably get a couple more orders out before the last cable is gone from
the current lot.  I expect to have a new stock in about a week to 10
days, so please excuse any delay in shipping.

Since I will have more cables to keep going, I will repeat the details
--------------------ORIGINAL MESSAGE------------------------------
One of the items that is regularly asked about by both Collins and Heath
users are high quality replacement cables for the S-Line and SB-Line
equipment.  Homebrew cables without strain-relieved connectors seem to
have short lives and/or suffer from intermittent shorts.  Also, audio
cables are not appropriate for RF circuits.

I have put together a "standard" kit of high quality RG-58C/U coaxial
cables with factory-installed male RCA  connectors and molded strain
reliefs on both ends.  These are extra-length 8 foot cables and are
labeled with the correct Collins functions with computer-printed labels
on each end.  There are 8 cables in the standard kit for the 32S-x/75S-x
pair with the following labels applied:


You can see a photo of the cables by going  to this URL:


I am initially offering the cable kits to the Collins reflector group
first before I try other outlets.  The price for all eight cables will
be $25.00 plus $6.00 Priority Mail shipping and handling to CONUS
destinations - immediate shipping upon receipt of money order. There
will be a slight wait for checks to clear.

Additional special order cables with labels are available for $3.00 each
(you specify the label text) plus $3.20 Priority Mail for quantities up
to 5, $4.30 from 6 to 10 pieces and $5.40 from 10 to 15 pieces.
Additional cables are required for the KWM-2/312B-5/outboard receiver,
62S-1, etc.

The 30L-1/30S-1 two additional cables at $3.00 each plus shipping are:


The 312B-4 four additional cables at $3.00 each plus shipping  are:

6.3 VAC

Let me know if you are interested in the standard and/or special label
cables and I will give you more details.  I may do the same for Heath,
Drake and Hallicrafters.


Al - K8EUR       CCA Member AC98-00768

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