GB> Copied from 12952.4 kc tonite.

Perry Ballinger w8au at SSSNET.COM
Tue Jan 26 20:08:17 EST 1999

The first step might be:  Apply for a Maritime Radio Station (public coast
station/telegraphy) license specifying 425/525 kHz.
The rules are in CFR, title 47, part 80.
They can be accessed at
Lots of possibilities here.....


At 03:59 PM 1/26/99 -0600, you wrote:
>I very much like the idea of hams stepping-up to the plate
>to volunteer time to monitor these freqs.  It might even
>be possible to get special permission to contact these
>craft on these freqs in cases of maritime emergencies.
>It would certainly fit within the framework of amateur
>radio being a public service and promoter of international
>good will.
>With a stricture against handling commmercial traffic,
>the commercial shore stations couldn't complain
>since you're not hurting their business.  I don't see how
>any reasonable person could be against this--
>but then, the Washington dragons are rarely "reasonable."
>What is the sense of the group about getting the FCC
>to seriously consider such a proposal?
>What are the "cons" that I don't see?
>73 DE Dave AB5S

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