Need Ranger parts

Collin Collier n4tua at JUNO.COM
Sat Jan 2 23:52:02 EST 1999

Hello Friends,
I need some parts for my Ranger I. I need (2) 7027A tubes new or used
what have you? Can some other tube be substituted for these? I also need
the filter choke L34. Please let me know what you have. I may even be
interested in a parts unit. Also one question before I go. How much
difference between the Ranger I and II? I am going by a Ranger II manual
(original). I might be interested in a trade for a Ranger I manual or a
sale. Thanks for the time.

  <73>, Collin N4TUA
             n4tua at
          " My favorite radios glow in the dark"

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