FS: ARRL Handbooks & inexpensive 2m rig etc.

Brian Carling af4k at EARTHLINK.NET
Fri Jul 2 12:33:56 EDT 1999

For sale:

ARRL Handbooks:
1973, 1975, 1978   $9.00 each

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Hallicrafters Manual:   HT-46      $8.00 each   (repro)

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SAMS Tube Substitution Handbook Number 16 .... $5.00

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Midland 2m FM transceiver model 13-500 mobile rig, 12 channels with
microphone. 10 Watts output, with S-meter/RF out meter. Set up on 146.52
146.55 146.67  146.76 146.82  146.91  146.94  147.00  147.21  and
147.43MHz. Requires 12V DC at 5 Amps. Complete with microphone and in
excellent cosmetic condition. Needs some repair. Will sell for $30.00 plus

= = = = =

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