[Fwd: From Wayne's paint shop]

Chris Trask ctrask at PRIMENET.COM
Mon Jul 5 16:10:37 EDT 1999

        Thank you for posting this.  I have repainted six of the rubbery
beige cases so far.  After stripping off the old paint, I give it a light
coat of zinc primer, then Krylon RTA-9216 "Sand Dune" for the color.
Looks pretty close, but I'll try your method next time around


On 5 July, Wayne wrote:

Heathkit Keepers,
Since so many have asked, have decided to put it all together. Here are
the Benjamin Moore (and others) paint numbers that we could find. Tom at
the local BM store has been very helpful. Keep in mind that these are
the closest standard colors that we could find. The BM paints come in
quarts for about $12. You need a spray gun and I have had excellent

        << SNIP >>

Hint #4
Do you have a Heathkit beige test instrument with the rubbery case that
turned to goo after years? Strip off the goo to the metal. Then spray
with Krylon Suede textured #1241 BUCKSKIN. Looks great and is the
original color. Have redone all of mine.

     ,----------------------.       Circuit Design for the
    /    What's all this     \            RF Impaired
   / extinct stuff, anyhow?  /
   \  _______,--------------'        Chris Trask / N7ZWY
  _ |/                               Principal Engineer
 oo\                                 ATG Design Services
(__)\       _                          P.O. Box 25240
  \  \    .'  `.                  Tempe, Arizona 85285-5240
   \  \  /      \
    \  '"        \                     Technical Editor,
     .       (  ) \                      QRP Quarterly
      '-| )__| :.  \                     QRP ARCI 9464
        | |  | | \  '.
       c__; c__;  '-..'>.__      Email:  ctrask at primenet.com

                    Graphics by Loek Frederiks

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