FS: More parts, tubes, accessories etc.

Brian Carling af4k at EARTHLINK.NET
Thu Jul 15 00:03:42 EDT 1999

For Sale:

Military J-38 CW Key mounted on original plate. Excellent condition $35.00

William Nye Low pass filter .....................  $17.50

Heavy Duty Footswitch, with AC power cord and H.D.
connectors. Rated 20 Amps. Clipper 632D. Very good condition.
Will sell for $15.00

Turner Plus 2 microphone - looks to be brand new, and in original
form-fitting Radio Shack labelled box. This is a custom-made mic with the
locking PTT bar, in black and marked "Teaberry" on the front of the PTT
bar. This is one of the best sounding mics for HF SSB. Will sell for

Heavy-Duty Variacs for the serious experimenter!
0-140V at 42 Amps  (5000 Watts) .......................  $330.00
0-140V at 60 Amps  (8500 Watts) .......................  $360.00

5R4GY ...................................................... $8.00
5U4GB ...................................................... $10.00
5V4GA, G.E. New in White box QTY 3 .. $6.00  each
or all three for $15.00
6AS7G UIB ............................................... $6.00
6KD6,G.E.  ONE, New in Box .................. $33.00

Mini Tube substitution Books, 3.5" X 5.5"

1) Howard Sams Tube Susbtitution Handbook, Number12, 1969 ..... $4.00

2) RCA Reference Book, 1969, includes tube substitution, tube
characteristics, battery data, test equipment data, CRT data, technical
publications list & more. binding cracked, but complete
.................... $4.00

ARRL Handbooks:
1973, 1975, 1978 ............................................. $8.00 ea.

Creating Cool Web Pages With HTML by Dave Taylor
244 Pages with disk. Easy to understand tutorial ............. $10.00

Add shipping to all items.
E-mail me to make arrangements.

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