Hallicrafters Date, Scarcity

Kenneth D. Grimm grimm at LYNCHBURG.NET
Sat Jul 17 07:18:10 EDT 1999

David Stinson wrote:
> Seeking information on a really old
> Hallicrafters recevier.
> Called a "SKY CHIEF."  Black wrinkle with airplane dial and
> rotating red pointer dial.  Tuning eye.  Silkscreened panel.
> Band dial is marked "made by the Hallicrafters company"
> in what looks like a very early font.
> Anyone have a guess as to date of manufacture
> and scarcity?
> TNX ES 73 Dave AB5S

It was also known as the S-14 and was built in 1936.  Chuck Dachis' book
shows a  new price of $44.50.  It was the lowest priced model in the
Hallicrafters line that year.  Dachis shows a value of $100-150 in
1996.  It might be a bit more today...particularly since the advent of
the on-line auctions!  Obviously, the value depends on the condition of
the paint, lettering, logo, dial, knobs and electronics.  Hope this

Ken K4XL
grimm at lynchburg.net
BoatAnchor Manual Archive - On the web at http://bama.sbc.edu
or FTP site at ftp://bama.sbc.edu/boatanchor

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